Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thomas Friedman interview

If you're interested, here's an interview with Thomas Friedman from The Colbert Report. The interview isn't entirely on education, but it's does allow you to hear a little bit more about what his book, The World is Flat is about and where our world is heading.


Hiller Spires said...

Adam, thanks for posting this video clip of Thomas Friedman on the flat world. I may use it for a conference we're having at the FI on new literacies on October 16. It's a great summary of the flat world argument for folks who haven't read his book. And it's funny!

nadia shireen siddiqi said...

thers to


i'm bored i want comments

nadia shireen siddiqi said...

angelina Jolie entioned the word is flat in an interview something about out-sourcing to poor countries and the increasing divide btw the rich an the poor.
as far as I recall
anyway i'm gonna wath this and 'then' comment on 'it' ;)